St. Neots Local History Society
You can join our society in a number of ways.
1. Come along to one of our meetings and pay by cash or card.
2. Download the membership form, print it, fill in your details, and send with a cheque for £20 payable to St Neots Local History Society to 3 Collingwood Road, Eaton Socon, St Neots, PE19 8JQ.
3. Download the membership form, complete it, scan and email it to, and make a bank transfer for £20 to
Name: St Neots Local History Society
Sortcode: 30-94-74
Account: 00574095
Please use your surname and initial(s) as the reference.
©St Neots Local History Society. Last updated 9 September 2023

Alternatively telephone Mr Dave Jarrett on 01480 216065.
or write to:
St Neots Local History Society
Mr D Jarrett
3 Collingwood Road
Eaton Socon
St Neots
PE19 8JQ
©St Neots Local History Society
last updated 6 June 2020